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Andrea | The CEO

A born leader, Terry’s skills include extended coffee breaks, paid vacations, and mergers and acquisitions.

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Mattia | Marketing

Jillian spends her days dreaming of nabbing the top spot on ThemeForest. She’s on to something.

[icon type=”envelope-alt”] Email Mattia
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Frank | Legal

What can we say: Frank was born to perform litigious duties. He may be all smiles here, but he’s deadly in the courtroom.

[icon type=”envelope-alt”] Email Frank
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Andrea | The CEO
A born leader, Terry’s skills include extended coffee breaks, paid vacations, and mergers and acquisitions.
Email Andrea

Mattia | Marketing
Jillian spends her days dreaming of nabbing the top spot on ThemeForest. She’s on to something.
Email Mattia

Frank | Legal
What can we say: Frank was born to perform litigious duties. He may be all smiles here, but he’s deadly in the courtroom.
Email Frank

La mission di

Sviluppare una testata on line basata su più linee narrative coerenti, che rappresentino un personaggio ideale (Josway) nel quale identificarsi. La testata è dedicata alle dimensioni dell’esplorazione, della scoperta e dell’innovazione; prende vita dai contributi dei suoi autori e si impegna a valorizzarli, seguendoli nello sviluppo di una linea narrativa e di una eventuale pubblicazione, nonché esplorando nuove modalità di profitto e di remunerazione.

I nostri valori
sostenibilità76%rispetto per l’ambiente83%passione94%trasparenza100%aderenza ai fatti87%[/cs_content_seo]